Customization Options
The SmartStack component automatically handles styling and animations based on device dimensions, but does offer some customization options:
Basic Props
// Required
// Optional
defaultExpanded={false} // Start expanded or collapsed
expanded={boolean} // Controlled expansion state
onExpandChange={(isExpanded: boolean) => void} // Expansion callback
onIndexChange={(index: number) => void} // Active widget callback
Automatic Responsive Sizing
The component automatically adjusts its dimensions based on device size:
Large devices (width ≥ 430px or height ≥ 900px):
- Width: 370px
- Height: 176px
Small devices (height ≤ 700px):
- Width: 335px
- Height: 161px
Default size:
- Width: 344px
- Height: 164px
Built-in Styling
The component includes:
- Blur effect with 80% intensity using
- Semi-transparent background (rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25))
- White navigation dots (5px diameter)
- Smooth spring animations for expansion/collapse
- Widget label text (12px, white)
NOTE: These built-in styles are currently not customizable through props, but provide a pixel-perfect match to the iOS 18 Smart Stack widget design. If you need custom styling, consider wrapping the SmartStack component or submitting a feature request.
All customization props are optional and come with sensible defaults that match the iOS design. For a complete list of available props and their default values, see the API Reference.