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Customizing Styles

The SmartStack component accepts various props to customize its appearance and behavior:

Dimensions & Layout

Control the widget dimensions and spacing:

<SmartStack // Base (collapsed) dimensions baseWidth={364} baseHeight={170} baseRadius={22} // Expanded dimensions expandedWidth={370} expandedHeight={176} expandedRadius={26} />

Animation Configuration

Customize the expansion and scroll animations:

<SmartStack // Expansion spring configuration expansionConfig={{ damping: 20, stiffness: 200, mass: 1, }} // Scroll/snap behavior scrollConfig={{ parallaxOffset: 0.8, adjacentScale: 0.9, snapStiffness: 200, }} // Auto-collapse delay (ms) collapseDelay={350} />

Style the navigation indicators:

<SmartStack navigationConfig={{ // Appearance dotSize: 5, dotSpacing: 3.5, activeOpacity: 1, inactiveOpacity: 0.6, // Colors dotColor="#FFFFFF" activeDotColor="#FFFFFF" // Animation transitionDuration: 150, staggerDelay: 0.07, // Optional: disable dots entirely showNavigation={true} }} />

Visual Styling

Adjust the background blur and colors:

<SmartStack // Blur effect blurConfig={{ intensity: 80, tint: "systemThinMaterial" // or "dark" | "light" }} // Background colors backgroundColor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)" // Label styling labelConfig={{ fontSize: 12, color: "#FFFFFF", style: {} // Additional text styles }} />

All customization props are optional and come with sensible defaults that match the iOS design. For a complete list of available props and their default values, see the API Reference.

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